Friday, April 30, 2010

When You Lose A Boss!!

4 hours & 30 minutes..... I can't believe he's gone. It feels like it was just yesterday when I walked thorugh the corridors of the Palace and entered the HR office. The first handshake we had said it all.. Here was somebody I could relate with.. Here was somebody who listened to me when I made mistakes. Explained the basics of what I was supposed to do till the time he was sure I got it. And yet never hesitated to reprimand me when I went wrong. I guess what they say is true- Your first boss is everything.. He will either make you or break you. Whatever little that I have achieved over the past 6 months in the company, its because there was somebody behind me, every step of the way. You are my inspiration Govind Sir, and you always will be. And its not that I'm doing this coz I'm emotional or sumthin. Yes, emotions do run high with Librans but so do facts!!
Fact 1: I was allowed a free hand in the Training Department, within 15 days of me coming to the property. Who would do that for a trainee??
Fact 2: I was given handovers that went beyond appointment letters and administrative issues, e.g. Performance Appraisals, Corporate Reports etc etc the list is endless.. Where in the world can we see that happening??
Fact 3: Whenever I made a mistake, instead of just pointing fingers, he would actually counsel, advise & tell me the corrective measures to be taken.
Fact 4: No matter what others thought of him, he knew what he was and he was good at it.
Fact 5: He became a Unit HR Head at the age of 30, when most people could only dream of reaching there when they are at least 40 years of age. That says something!!
Sir, if there is even the slightest chance of you reading this, its not been the same since you've told that you are leaving. And now that you are gone, I can't believe that the office is empty. I never expected something like this to happen to me, but I guess I miss my boss!!
Wish you all the luck in the future Sir, GodSpeed!!! :)