Sunday, March 29, 2015

Why Dhoni cannot be a role model for India!

Yes Times Now, you got it right when you said we deserved to lose in Sydney with that shameless display of captaincy!! Forget about disappointing 1.2 bn folks back home, ending your innings with a smile and a handshake with the Australian captain was a shocker! I hate it when I see people around me screaming out his name every time the Indian team came out on the field. Seems there is no looking beyond this "ice cold", "dispassionate" captain of a team that lives and breathes on the emotions of its massive populace. 

Why, you ask me? Why am I venting out at the most successful captain the Indian cricket team has had till date? For one, MS Dhoni is not Indian at all!!!

How can it be okay to stay calm under pressure? I mean, we come from a society where a slight nick of our car with another leads to a free for all, public beatdown on the roads. Where kids are given grief for life if they still choose sports over education. Where you have failed as a husband or father if you refuse to see your child over duty to your country. Where the captain of the most popular sport in India consistently goes ahead and praises the team in the face of his own individual achievements. Why is he not publicity hungry? Is he not a celebrity? Can he not star in an episode of Big Boss, Comedy Nights or Dance India Dance? What is with this constant focus on discipline????

I aspire to see normal Indian behavior on and off the field from the Indian Cricket Team. We must blame our wife/girlfriend for our failure and not stand by them. We must look for the limelight in every step we take! We need to remember our team performance is inspired by 'Mauka Mauka' ads and not our training. We must sledge, scream and shout out obscenities to the opposing team whether we win or lose. 

And more so from MSD than anyone else. You come from a small town called Ranchi, to a superstar status for the last 9 years or so. And yet, this humility? You do not have forever, Dhoni. Professional sport has a retirement age and you stand at 33 today, father to a girl you saw 4 months after she was born. Where were your sanskaars when you put your country above your family? Someone else could have taken care of business right? Shame on you..

NO!!! Shame on you, Mr. Goswami! You the elitist, pseudo journalist types with as much knowledge of cricket and life as a cockroach would. All you understand is sensationalizing nonsensical trends and focusing on your channels TRPs. What you did last week was the turning point in your channel's fortunes. We as a nation, just moved from indifference to pure hatred when you ridiculed our team and most importantly, our captain! Yes you idiot, he is the same guy who brought us success in all 3 tournaments-Twenty 20, Champions Trophy and CWC 2011. I wish I could pray you had his temperament, but you unfortunately, epitomize everything that's wrong with us. 

Dhoni can never be a role model for people who trash Anushka for Virat's performance or pass along memes of Sehwag and Yuvraj trolling MSD and co. His perseverance and almost monk like temperament is what India needs, but maybe not what we deserve. The greatest cricketer of our time, Sachin Tendulkar, claimed in an interview he cannot imagine being captained by anyone else. This is a man who has seen more than two decades of the game, from Kapil Dev to Saurav Ganguly- both good captains in their own right. 

For the first time in our cricketing history, the team is bigger than its stars. Individual brilliance is seen as second to team performance. The dressing room is passionate, but not egoistic. Players give their everything on the field, without caring about their personal injuries or nakhras. And all this, driven by one man. 

Dhoni, you can never be replicated. There will never be another like you!  

Disclaimer: I am not a die-hard cricket fan.But the past one week of media bashing forces us to defend not just the sport, but the men behind it. 
