Friday, July 17, 2009

Khana Khazana???Ya rt!!!(Sorry for doubting ur efforts Ma)

Came back to my alma mater after 3 long years.. Expected a lot of pampering and the likes from my eldest brother.And here I am,cooking rice and aloo ki sabzi all by myself.Accidents were but a natural consequence.So a cooker full of overboiled basmati and a burnt kadai later, I gave it another shot.And lo behold,I'm the proudest amateur cook alive!! :) Nevertheless the importance of this day can't be stressed enough.I've always been able to fend for myself as far as food is concerned(mostly maggi and scrambled eggs,but wat the hell..)And to give my first serious shot at some Indian food was an experience in itself. Also I'd like to take this opuurtunity to..ahem..thank all those ppl responsible for my current state of being....."I'm Lovin' It!!":)
Last but not the least, if ur reading this Ma,I'm sorry for all the times I underestimated how much effort ot takes just to stand infront of the kitchen and cook..let alone make it delicious.Hatsoff to you!!
And of course thanx dada for givin me complete control over the kitchen and learn to cook..You have no idea wat a mess you've gotten yourself into..;) thanx again
Gotta go make rotis..Ciao :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Story of My Experiments With Truth...

Just put down a copy of the now-so-forgotten book written by a man so deeply mired in controversy,and yet regarded as a beacon of India's freedom struggle.Having understood thus, this book was long overdue to be read... Finally got a chance to do so while I was down with a flu.Anyway, here goes..
The book strikes you in its first few pages itself as promising something different from the conventional hype surrounding the man,the legend.And it does not fail to deliver.The brutally honest revelations in the first few chapters not only amplified my respect for Bapu, but also gave me an objective look at his life. His basic philosophy of a simple living and high thinking are so well illustrated in every episode of his life,its as if he knew what path he was to take.
But the most important learning them all was the admission of his fallacies, the dilemma in his ever so changing life and the choices he made to deal with these temptations.It also shows that every man becomes great only when he has understood clearly what rock-bottom means.Gandhiji did commit many "mistakes", but the important thing was He never repeated them.In that, He learnt from his mistakes.
And though He has repeatedly reminded the reader that his book is not a code of conduct for the youth of today, somehow his simple illustrations do find their way to the reader's conscience.His opinions on education,racism,religion,marriage, even carnal pleasures makes me ask a lot of questions not only to myself but also of the society I live in.
All said and done,here is a book on the man,everybody loved but few knew.....His personal memoirs have shown that it is possible for a common man,a village bumpkin to rise above mediocrity and carve his/her name in the history of mankind.And I thank my scepticism and the myths people around me generated about him that culminated in me finishing this book.There is a new believer in town,Sir and Bless you for having had the patience and wisdom of sharing your personal life with us.