Friday, October 23, 2009

HR.. Its not for everybody!!

Started off with this thought today morning... Now as I sit here @ 4:00 a.m. the next day, all drowsy eyed, thought I'd turn this into my next attempt at amusing myself (seriously!!)...
During my 1st year in MBA, I had a very different view of what the typical HR manager is and does.As I've gone thru the rungs now, seems I was sucked into the netherworld of my dreams. Every possibility of my utopian thought process seems to have gone as I sit and fill up the salary emoluments of the 300 odd employees here

Just when everything seemed haywire..(try makin sense of numbers for 11 hrs n u'll kno wat m feelin), a security guard comes down to the office lookin for me(??!!) On further inquiry I came to kno, he's come for a salary advance.. U can probably imagine my initial reaction. Thankfully, I eased out the words " kyun chaiye?" with ,I confess, some difficulty.

So he tells me, " Sir, I have been doing two shifts every day for the past 2 weeks while my wife was in the final stages of her pregnancy, just so that I can afford a better hospital. But now that I have no choice, I need to withdraw my salary in advance just to cover the hospital expenses."

I didn't kno wat to say(I still don't...) How could I explain the technicalities of a salary advance to him. I just reachd into my wallet & gave him watever I had. Thankfully the amount will cover at least the initial expenses. I kno I kno, he could easily have beguiled me. But something inside made me do wat I did.

Judge me if you must, I plead guilty.....HR is definitely not for everybody!!!!

Ciao (Sigh!!)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mumbai..An afterthought...

So its been a week since I left Mumbai....friends,the big-city life..etc etc,the list is endless. After a lot of motovational speeches and anecdotes, decided I was ready for a very different kinda lifestyle in the months to come. See, I've been transferred to the Land of the Lakes.And strangely, I'm loving every bit of it. Feels like Ranchi all over again. Small town, everybody knows everybody and people are just plain hospitable :) So the aura around this place created by my own sub-conscious and helped to no less extent by a bunch of loonies I've come to know as friends(I'm just kiddin, I Love You all :) was completely shattered.

As I sit here in my office at 10:30 in the nite typin away, some things just keep picklin my brain.. So here's wat I'm gonna do. Write down the most memorable moments in Mumbai...
1. The Flat.. awesome place, 11th floor, awesome view, and amazing beds.. :)
2. My Roomies.. Anna, Sardar & Sunny paaji-- we had the best of times.
3. The Training Centre (We were the 1st batch there, so yeaaaaah)
4. Pop-Tates & Happy Singh ;)
5. The walk from Marine Drive to Nariman Point... trust me, feels ethereal :)
6. Bandra Linkin Road it and they have it!!
7. Carter Road
8. Siddhi Vinayak Mandir
9. Songs... "Open The Door, Dahling Open The Door..." & "In the Morning, In the Morning..."(Thank You Anna) & " Maula Maula...." (Panditji)
Love you all