Friday, October 23, 2009

HR.. Its not for everybody!!

Started off with this thought today morning... Now as I sit here @ 4:00 a.m. the next day, all drowsy eyed, thought I'd turn this into my next attempt at amusing myself (seriously!!)...
During my 1st year in MBA, I had a very different view of what the typical HR manager is and does.As I've gone thru the rungs now, seems I was sucked into the netherworld of my dreams. Every possibility of my utopian thought process seems to have gone as I sit and fill up the salary emoluments of the 300 odd employees here

Just when everything seemed haywire..(try makin sense of numbers for 11 hrs n u'll kno wat m feelin), a security guard comes down to the office lookin for me(??!!) On further inquiry I came to kno, he's come for a salary advance.. U can probably imagine my initial reaction. Thankfully, I eased out the words " kyun chaiye?" with ,I confess, some difficulty.

So he tells me, " Sir, I have been doing two shifts every day for the past 2 weeks while my wife was in the final stages of her pregnancy, just so that I can afford a better hospital. But now that I have no choice, I need to withdraw my salary in advance just to cover the hospital expenses."

I didn't kno wat to say(I still don't...) How could I explain the technicalities of a salary advance to him. I just reachd into my wallet & gave him watever I had. Thankfully the amount will cover at least the initial expenses. I kno I kno, he could easily have beguiled me. But something inside made me do wat I did.

Judge me if you must, I plead guilty.....HR is definitely not for everybody!!!!

Ciao (Sigh!!)

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