Thursday, May 5, 2011

Did Obama Kill Osama?

I know, I know... we saw the videos. But think about it. Osama's death not only means that the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks is no more, but also delivers a big blow to the so called "Islamic terrorism faction", a word that is unanimously used to malign a religion and a community of people, not very different from us.

Osama Bin Laden, a self proclaimed "proud American" before he turned, symbolised the hopes of all terrorist factions in the Third World. He is till date, the second most successful villain after Adolf Hitler. So the question remains, by killing Osama, have we somehow made him a martyr for the Third World countries. Maybe tomorrow, kids growing up in these parts of the world, would be told heroic stories about how One Man brought the world's greatest, most powerful country to a stop for nearly a decade with just a couple of planes.

As I see the execution videos being passed around on Youtube, i can't help but ponder whether the War really ends with Osama's death. Don't You??

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