Monday, April 20, 2009


Wow what an overdose of nostalgia... Its been two days since I'm back and already I miss my foster city. It seems I left a lot, friends, some memories-good and bad.It might sound cliched but I actually want to go back.Hell, I wish I was....  Not only did I get to meet some of the most memorable and genuine people at the "City of Gardens"(I wish I'd gone to one at least,but thats a different story altogether :))
On a serious note, essentially just wanted to use this post to convey a big "Thank You" to all those responsible for making my stay a happy one, in their own little way.You all know who you are.. :) 
Also I wish to describe, in my own irritating way, why I rate Bangalore so high among all the cities I've stayed in....
1. I met some of the funniest characters in Bangalore..unfortunately some of them won't be available in India for quite some time now. :)
2. Andhra food(30/- a plate unlimited ghee :)) that I ate like a glutton is the most delicious cholestrol-enhancer I've had in a long time.
3. Fan support is one thing, but seeing ppl practically worshipping movie stars who look like they've boycotted all the barbers in their city is a sight to be seen.
4. The autowallah's will not co-operate if you do not know who ganesh is... can you believe that??? :)
5. The city has some amazing pubs, all closed by 11.00 but nevertheless worth it.
6. I now have a great family in Bangalore. :)
7. I've made friends for life .....
and finally.... Kannada Gothilla but Bengaluru mein jasti enjoy madi......(Please forgive me guys :))


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