Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jaago Re

Elections are like a 5 yr festival in India. And you can see it all around you...whether you want to or not. I for one used to be  apolitical towards the entire concept what with the common populace's general attitude towards politicians. In effect I started appreciating the whole concept with the appointment of Atal Bihari Vajpayee as our Prime Minister beginning 1998.I mean c'mon, he is one of the few gentlemen that Indian politics can boast of. Without him, I don't know how BJP can charm a multi-cultural economy like India on the basis of a unicultural ideology.
As far as the Congress is concerned, there is a certain lack of panache in the upper end of the hierarchy. I agree Rahul Gandhi has a certain charm that he carries with elan. But whether it is enough to woo the common man,remains to be seen. 
Anyway coming back to my own experiences, I can see my household erupt with political debates..(most of which I am now involved in nowadays, thanx to Pathak :))And surprisingly,or not, everyone I know still has faith in the Indian National Congress. According to them, "Advani does not have the same panache as his predecessor and is still seen as a hardliner.To add to that, the BJP seems to have gone a few steps back with the impassioned and highly politically incorrect speech by Varun Gandhi.The less said about the Left, the better it is. A party that seems to have lost its bedrock of ideals is now a mere pawn at the mercy of the bigger parties. Even George Fernandes,an erstwhile firebrand leader is considered a toothless tiger now"
Although such issues are always open to debate, something that I personally found encouraging and timely was the "jaago re" ad by Tata Tea. Excellent theme, well scripted. May I also add that the protagonists deserve a gentle applause for their eye-catching statements. I for one am a fan of the Great Indian Democracy now.....

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