Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rain Rain Come Again!!

For the uninitiated, rains have finally hit Udaipur... And how so!! I saw the Palace, literally washed apart by the flash rains. All the lounge chairs in the pool plopped right in, the furniture at our fine dining restro went for a toss, the Spa tents could not sustain the heavy onslaught and collapsed. In a nutshell, it was a nightmare for my operations team for the next 90 mins.
But then to actually see the guest enjoying the rains, in their own little ways was a treat in itself. An aged German couple was taking a walk in our Guava garden. When the rains came, instead of running for shelter or finding an umbrella, they simply sat down on one of the marble benches, holding hands and enjoying the view,(I hope!!) The poor butler on the other hand was havin a hard time convincing them to at least take an umbrella.
And it was beautiful, the view!! With all the flora in the landscape taking a different hue altogether with the first raindrops. And the fragrance was.... well heavenly!! I just wish I had my loved ones around to take it all in and stay in this one moment forever.. Yes, Udaipur is beautiful...!!
Am I in paradise?? That remains to be seen...

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