Friday, October 15, 2010

My Penpal

I don;t really know what triggered this chain of thought in my mind, but I was feeling a little beamish for the past week. Lets face it, I don't stay in touch with a lot of my friends. I mean its not like I forget them or something... just calling up my pals is something so odd to me. Its not something I'm proud of, but its just there. Judge me if you must!!

So anyway, the only time I actually started writing letters was when I met this amazing girl way back in 2002.We were at the DPS & Hindustan Times Summit on Child Education, in Delhi and it was a 2 day affair. But the quality of conversation that we shared and the way we connected was just surreal... So when we went back to our respective hometowns and the era of long letters started.. Whoa, I had my first (and till date only) pen pal, Asmi. We wrote about everything, our days at the school, our likes/dislikes, our friends...

And then suddenly, we went out of touch. I couldn't believe it, buts thats the way it happened. I wrote like countless letters but in vain. Like they say, Time changes everything, but somehow I couldn't forget her. But of course, as I mentioned before, I stopped trying.... 7 years went by, and then suddenly one day, I realized, I have google on my side so what the heck.

And lo behold, I finally found her, on Orkut. 7 Years Later!!!!! To my surprise, she still remembered me. Naturally, we fought over the phone and everything, but the fact is, I found my buddy again. :) Now we talk occasionally coz international calls are, well not exactly economical. But the fact that we were able to connect so easily again, makes it all the more special. She is now a full fledged research scholar (Boring...) and like a million miles away and yet it feels like we sitting across face to face everytime we talk.

Fact is I realized how it feels when your friend forgets you (or seems to...) And here's to all my pals everywhere.. I miss you and remember you everyday. I understand what you must have presumed since I went underground. Trust me I'm still the same guy who laughed, cried, fought and made up with you guys. Hopefully, this blog will reach out to them.. And maybe they will forgive me. Life teaches you new lessons everyday, and not all of them are pretty. But all said and done, Life's been good to me so far and I'm optimistic...

And to Asmi, you were never forgotten and believe when I say this, I was ecstatic when I found you back, not only because we were friends but because, we still cared for each other... I hope 7 years of exile from me will be the last time that you disappeared!!!! I wish I had the strength and the patience to write letters again... But for now, this blog is dedicated only to you, not only for coming back in my life, but in teaching me that Friends are siblings that God forgot to give you at birth. You have to earn their respect and understanding!!

Thanks Again!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know what to write. I am not good when it comes to writing words. After all that I read a minute back, I can just say THANK YOU for making me feel important, SORRY for dissapearing. I have been waiting for your call since your birthday. I hoped that atleast I deserve to know about ur special day. As for the international calls, will tell u how immaterial is that. Thanks again.
