Friday, March 6, 2009

How is being lazy beneficial?

The first thing ppl need to understand is that being lazy is not about doing nothing and wasting your time.Its about saving up your energies for things that actually matter. So the next time somebody says, "Dude,you're so lazy, do them a favor and feed em this info"

Secondly, being lazy also contributes to the well being of your peers.You know, the ones who could never differentiate between an important memo and a shred of toilet paper, but work hard just the same at tryin to prove themselves.You'll find plenty of those annoying critters out there.So as i was saying, with you not working (read saving up your energy!), these freaks could actually work and prove themselves worthy of the position and package they hold (or not!). Hence the afterthought

Finally, being lazy makes you look good because ppl have lesser expectations from you. So when you do get to work on a project, you might get away with a lot less effort than those pitiful wastes of humanity i just mentioned above.

Also it might help if you were born with loadsa grey matter. Otherwise, my sympathies.


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