Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ostentatiousness or Childhood fantasies?

When was the last time you saw a girl being swept off her feet by a guy, without the ritualistic "show-off" period?I just had a conversation with my best friend on what drives a teenager to lie and make-pretend on what he wants his prospective girlfriend to see and not hwta he really is... Have we ever wondered where this cycle of cock-and-bull stories start?

Our prolonged and heated debate led me to believe that somehow the lack of knowledge about the opposite sex's needs and the understanding of the things she values most is what makes boys believe they can woo their lady love by simply lying on face of of it.She recounted an example wherein she knew a guy who would "compose" poetry to her,which in fact were nothing but rip-offs from some romantic english tracks. When she confronted the guy with this, he retaliated by saying that his previous experience with girls led him to understand that they prefer pretentious acts of love over honest confessions of one's feelings.

Now I don't really have any bone to pick with women in general... But I realised that it is in our nature to constrain our thoughts and actions to incidents that evoke a feeling of well-being and harmony than conflict and confrontation. It is also quite incidental that I received an sms from a dear friend putting the entire essence of this blog in two lines:
" No one is afraid to speak the truth,Eevrybody is only afraid of facing the consequences after the truth is led out"

To all viewers of this blog,if you wud be so kind as to ans this ques...

Whom would you be attracted to/infatuated with at the first sight, a guy/girl who's drop dead handsome/gorgeous with a sharp dressing sense and a nice set of wheels/heels, OR a Plain Jane/Guy- Next-Door with nothing more to offer than his/her undying love for you?"

May I also point out that though age does not diminish this vulgar act of pretentiousness, good experiences from ones past definitely make one see through this veil of  "larger-than-life" images that the person, both boy/girl, create around themselves.

Therefore it is but my honest attempt at making ppl realise that what matters most in a relationship is two ppl willing to work through their problems and accepting the fact that they are not perfect, while at the same time improving  upon the things they can.


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