Saturday, March 7, 2009

What a Week!!

I guess its just one of those days when God picks up ur name from the lottery bowl.... not to shower blessings but to simply pick on you.

2 weeks of mental bombardment were all it took to make me realise how small i really am in this vast sea of humanity.It started with something simple (at least seemingly)..... I was expected to bring my dissertation thesis to a closure before the 6th of March. Now I don't really have a problem accepting challenges but sometimes life gives you more than you can chew. In my case, life also gives you a heavy bout of intellectual diarrhoea..

Now that I'm done with my dissertation project at least, just got to know today that some idiot from Section C (somehow i kno they'd mess up our already miserable lives again)  went ahead and got us an added responsibility of making presentations for an IB project that we were happy just making an assignment for. As you may have noted in my previous blog on Laziness, these are the exact ppl that i have talked bout (bootlickers)....

Nevertheless i wud have perhaps accepted these circumstances except that they are now coming in the way of my otherwise peaceful personal life. Not only am i engaged in heated debates about wat i do with ppl close to me, I also do not get my share of gaming (read football on my lappy) which is like my survival mantra for this hell-hole.

Hopefully some sense will dawn on that pile-of-factory-residue who requested for the ppt, and the wrath he has brought down upon his peers(now hostile!!) As for me, well it looks like I'm up for another week of hardball and this time hopefully, God will be on my side! 


P.S.I'm not a blasphemist.I just enjoy takin a dig at "Him" from time to time

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