Thursday, June 4, 2009

Comeback Kings..

11th January 2009,Chelsea lost 3-0 to one of their fiercest rivals, Manchester United,and the first thing that came to my mind was.."What Next?" See, I have been a "Blues" fan since the days of Zola,Le Saux And Desailly, 2002 to be more accurate.And contrary to what some might say, its not just about the money for for the Blues.I have seen them play long before the days of Abramovich and they were always classy... 
So comin back to present day football, seemed all was lost with Scolari making silly tactical blunders... Then came the "Era of Guus!!" And lo behold, my team was back where it deserved to be!!With only the blind as a bat referee to blame for some of the worst decision in footballing history,we had to reconcile ourselves to not being at Rome.
I guess we did get adequately compensated what with, the better team winning the Champions  League and us winning the FA Cup...I wish Guus didn't have to go.He created a spark so reminiscent of the "True Blues" and with Carlo Ancelloti stepping in, I'm a li'l sceptical about Chelsea.Nevertheless,its my team and of course with the transfer market abuzz with big money moves, I can't for the next season to start.How I wish Kaka and Pato come to the EPL, if only to see what they are capable of....
So we will see you at the Community Shield, "Sir" Alex Ferguson.

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