Friday, June 19, 2009

Heart Of A Lioness

Although I am a big fan of "Animal Planet", (considering that I studied with quite a few) , few of their shows have left such a sigificant mark on my life as the documentary, "The Heart Of A Lioness" presented by Saba Douglas Hamilton. As much as I admire the lady herself,(for more details "Google" Her), the documentary itself is mind-boggling!!

A lioness has a change of heart, for one small antelope - a baby oryx - this land of predators becomes a land of miracles.Astonishing the scientific world, a young lioness, adopts a baby oryx and mothers it with infinite tenderness for 16 days. Foregoing her most basic needs she proves both a tender and fierce protector. The Samburu people call her "Kamunyak – the blessed one".

Seeing Kamunyak for the first time is nothing short of witnessing a miracle. Appearing out of nowhere, the lion and the lamb curl up side by side.Saba follows them for days. I'm not alone in my astonishment, gawping gazelles bark out their alarm, not quite believing their eyes.Kamunyak has turned nature on its head and mystified the world. She’s moved off into the vast wilderness of Samburu and who knows if she’ll be seen again. But while she remains an enigma to the scientific world, she has become a legend of the people of Samburu. They way they tell the story is that she was barren and that god gave her a child. That one day, she will rise up in front of them as surely as the African sun. But what remains with is the poignancy of her tale.

If you do get a chance,please watch this fascinating documentary that has becoe a legend in Kenya and shaken world wildlife experts.


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