Friday, June 12, 2009

Feverish & Lovin It...

Its been a long time coming..I have chronically weak immunity,which normally leads to me falling sick every 2 months max.This time though things are different.I have not been down with common cold for the past two months and frankly,didn't like it...Sounds weird??Lemme explain..
Now i agree there are certain disadvantages (read, coughin like a grandma,snot drippin all over etc etc) but I'm an eternal optimist.And logically there indeed are quite a few advantages of bein sick.
1. You r not expected to work or do anythin around the house (yeaaa)
2. Everybody's extra nice to you..(at least 2 me coz i kinda get cranky)
3. You can finally convice your mother to make you that oh-so-amazin chicken soup that you love.
4. Its a 24 hr TV marathon!!
5. Its a trip to paradise for gamin freaks like me :) 
6. I get to order around the house instead of bein at the receivin end.
7. Sleeeeeeeep..................!!!
8. Leaves me abundant time to catch up on a book that I've been tryin to finish for a long time (Atlas Shrugged!)
9. I can finally play chess with my father..sounds nerdy but not that bad ;)
10. I can blog all I want..So beware!!

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