Friday, June 19, 2009

The poet in me was never dead....It was simply banned for life(and for good reasons!!)

Confessions of a Secret Admirer….

Whose gift this is you cannot know.
My heart is in your keeping though.
You will not mind my writing here
To tell you that I love you so.
 I know that you must think it queer
For me to love and not come near
But linger by some frozen lake
This most romantic time of year.
 I sometimes give my head a shake
And ask if there is some mistake.
It's lonely out here 'mid the sweep
Of bitter wind and icy flake.
 My love for you is dark and deep,
But it's a promise I will keep
As from afar I watch and weep.

My Take on Life..
So few realize what life is all about
If I knew nothing else, I knew warmth,pleasure,
Despite everything,I knew love.

People look for what they can measure:
A degree,money,family they can brag about,
Reasons others might wish them prosperity for,
On days like other days were moments i treasured,
Life like other lives,humdrum passing without..

A Sense of Being...
The being of being is Being;The being of nothing is none.
And if you find this so much nonsense,At least it will do you no harm.
Now nothing is nothing, for certain;And something is something, for sure.
Since something cannot come from nothing,It must be eternally there.
And though it is hard to imagine,Since time is our air and our sea,
No thing will ever be nothing,Though we will not always be we..


Hetasvi said...

wow! did u actually write that??? u r good!! somehow i never got to see all of this! all i got were cheesy not funny poems about my random nonsense in college! pah!

Unknown said...

thanx yaar..i'll write a couple of gud ones for you too,i promise